There is a general agreement about four the most significant challenges for human kind on the beginning of 21/st century and new milenijum (Binde, 2001). The first is peace and keeping peace in the world. The second one is misery, than fight against misery and marginalization the half of entire human population. The third challenge is sustainable development and protecting the environment. The forth challenge could be defined as a question- do we have a vision for the future? Mentioned challenges have a global character and can,t be ranged by importance. However, it seems that misery and fight against misery are the most priorities because that considering tendency for bigger quantity producting and to insure food distribution equaly. The goal of this effort is to eliminate hunger and malnutrition of milliones around the planet. “Our planet is not balanced well because just a few countries control too much of the world goods, so many countries have little hope” (Wolfensohn, 2003). Describing unbalanced forces in the World Wolfensohn has mentioned that 80% of National Domestic Products is possessed by billion people, and the other billion, against that, live with less then dollar a day, concluding that “must made different order of priorites”. To estimate that 1/5 human population starving or suffering from malnutrition. It is extremely expressed in parts of particular regions such as Africa, South America and Asia, because produced quantities can,t meet minimun needs for food of increasing population. Anticipating expected increasing population in the njorld till 2025, futurologists evoluate that food production, need to be doubled till that period. All countries in the njorld njish free trade of agricultural products. Therefore, market liberalization of agricultural products hasn,t been achieved till now. Different positions of particular countries and regions as well as resisted interests of rich and poor are the main reasons of existing situations. Important issues for trading with agricultural products in the way of World Trade Organization (WTO) are not satisfying and searching for new- better ones. During the Ministry Conference WTO (Doha, 2001), certain progress has been achieved in negotiations. Unexpectedly, during regular Ministry Conference WTO (Kankun, 2003) negotiations about reform of trading with agrucultural products have failed. Poor countries, supported by the most populated developing countries (China, India, Brasil, ..., G-22) accept liberalization program of trading with agricultural products, agreements condicion cause abolition of all kinds of subvencies of rich and giving certain benefits for import of agricultural products from poor countries. Failure of reform in the traffic of agricultural products make worse existing disbalance in the world. Profit of the rich is lower then possible, and the poor getting in even more difficult situation. Number of hungry and poor do not reduce. Such trend is not sustainable. Because of that Zoellick suggests continuation of the negotiations about reforming liberalization World Trading Food in 2004.
Key words: agricultural products, food, trade, subvencies, protectionism.